How to search Passenger arrivals by search index(K269)

I’ve saw the help of passenger arrivals index, I wonder if there’s any way to search the passenger arrivals records from K269 series in Record Search’s interface–passenger arrivals index.
PS:My English is not very good. I might seem impolite when typing. I’m very sorry if I offend you.

From my personal experience, there a couple of things to consider if your target (person, ship) does not turn up in the “Passenger Arrivals” or Basic Search” option.

#1 – Not every item in series K269 has been digitized (these will need to be ordered or will need a visit to the location where a specific item is held). Note: Sometimes there might be alternative online source that contains a copy of the older items)
#2 – Not every digitized item in series K269 has been indexed, so these will need to be paged through after narrowing down by arrival date/year and ship.

If your search regards people who are deceased (as I don’t like breaching the privacy of living people without their permission), maybe you can share who/what you are looking for?