Family member search

Hello, long time we are searching for one family member .
His name is Domijan Ivan born 24.06.1934 in Dramalj, Croatia. The only information that we have is that he arrived to Australia in 1962. He arrived probably with passanger scheme from Austria to Melbourne or Canberra. ( this material I have found at NAA in their archive). Further information we can’t fine, we contact embassy and archive, but unfortunately we can’t find any information. If you have some idea how to get the information about this person
Thank you
Best regards

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Hi Dario
yes i have also seen this information, he was apart of the australian airforce so surely there would have to be more documentation somewhere


Thank you for your response
Do you know maybe where I could find more information about him. I need to find out is he alive or not and where he lives to try to get in contact with him or his family ( wife or children)
Thank you a lot

Thank you for your response
Do you know maybe where I could find more information about him. I need to find out is he alive or not and where he lives to try to get in contact with him or his family ( wife or children)
Thank you a lot

Hi dario
im no longer pursuing this case
