Searching RAEME records

Hi I am wondering if anyone knows how I can access service records for RAEME personnel (Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) . A relative of mine served with the RAEME on the Crusader in WWII. He was a WO2. I have his service number but I can find no record of him on NAA. Thanks

Hi ennkaywhy,

RAEME service records are held and organised in the same way as other Army service records, so him being in RAEME shouldn’t make the record any different to find.

Army – Second World War: 1939-45 | gives information about searching for service records.

If you can’t find him using his service number, try searching RecordSearch using just his name as your search terms. Some service personnel may have had more than one service number over the period of their service, and the records might not have both listed.

If you’re still not able to find him, please fill out the form below, including all the information you have about him, and one of our Reference officers will assist you.

General reference inquiry form - RefTracker (

In particular, let us know if you have any reason to think he may have kept serving after the war, as this can mean his records might be with records of later Army service.



Dear Jessie

Thank you for your response. I will try again and see if I have any better luck.
And thank you for the link to the general enquiry form.

Many thanks and kind regards

Narelle Young
0434 942 641